I’m starting a new thread here on stevenology. Every Tuesday (or at least when I am in the mood) I will post a song that I like. You can can watch the video and, if you want, leave me a comment. We’ll start the series with one of my favorite artists, John Lennon, and his song “(Just Like) Starting Over”. He was indeed just starting his career over after a five year hiatus and was energized and full of great new songs. And then before this album was even released he was murdered, shot dead on the steps of his apartment building by a crazed fan. It was a huge loss for me and for the rest of the world too. But the music lives on.

This song is so full of hope and optimism, which was not always a normal state for him. But he was a powerful force for peace and his musical legacy leaves us with a lot of amazing and brilliant songs. And then there’s that fact that he was also in the best band ever, The Beatles! Uh, yeah! Duh!! Anyway, enjoy the first Tuesday video and let me know what you think.