The book is “Hello, I Must Be Going” by Charlotte Chandler, and it is subtitled “Groucho and his Friends”. It’s a biography of the legendary comedian Groucho Marx (learn more about him). This lengthy book contains a world of insight into his life and a very generous helping of memories, quotes, and comments from the funniest Marx Brother.

There are lots interviews with his friends, usually with him present to wisecrack and look back fondly. The book presents Groucho in his later years and he knows he is old and doesn’t have a lot of time. He gets a little down here and there, as would be expected. So he looks back on his long, celebrated life, and tells us all about it. There are also guest interviewers, who have great discussions with Groucho. These include Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, George Burns, and many more.

It was a little sad in that Groucho was near the end of his life. But his mind was sharp and he was clever and smart. In short, I liked the book and it just reinforced what I already knew, that Groucho was one of the funniest people ever.

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