Zero Gravity is a collection of nineteen short humorous pieces, some previously published in the New Yorker and some specific to this book. As with his other collections of writings, there are plenty of funny moments as well as an insight here and there too. He is a gifted writer. Sometimes he can almost seem too clever for his own good. Almost. I very much enjoyed these stories, perhaps some more than others, but none were a waste of time. As with his films, all have something to offer and many are excellent.
From the Amazon review:
“Whether he’s writing about horses that paint, cars that think, the sex lives of celebrities, or how General Tso’s Chicken got its name, he is always totally original, broad yet sophisticated, acutely observant, and most important, relentlessly funny.”
If you liked his earlier books, you will like this one. If you have never read any of his books, get on it! He’s a funny, clever, and witty writer, not like anyone else. And then go see his movies when you take a break from reading!
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