Category: Bumbershoot

Pictures: The 2024 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2024 trip to Seattle and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival are now online! We all had a great time. Take a look at the pictures!

If you are thinking of going in 2025, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2024 Seattle photos

2024 Bumbershoot photos

What we did on the 2024 trip

The 2024 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

This is our annual trip to Seattle to see the city and also for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We’ve gone every year from 2001-2019 and now again in 2023 and 2024. Also going this year was our granddaughter Jasmine, and we also met up with our friend Margaret from Portland.

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Monday August 26th

Pictures From The 2023 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2023 trip to Seattle and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival are now online! We had a great time and so did our friends. Take a look at the pictures.

If you are thinking of going in 2024, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2023 Seattle photos

2023 Bumbershoot photos

What we did on the 2023 trip

The 2023 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

This is our annual trip to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We’ve gone every year from 2001-2019 and now again in 2023. Thanks, Covid, for the canceled years. Also going this year, on various days, our friends Karl and Betty, Larry and Robin, Cal and Laura, and Margaret from Portland.

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Tuesday August 29th

Pictures From The 2019 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2019 trip to Seattle and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and much more!)  are now online! We had a great time and so did our friends. Take a look at the pictures.

If you are thinking of going in 2020, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2019 Seattle photos

2019 Bumbershoot photos

2019 Prince At The MoPop Museum photos

What we did on the 2019 trip – part 1

What we did on the 2019 trip – part 2

The 2019 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 2

Click here to read part 1 first

Continued from part 1. I’ll post some pictures soon. It’s our annual trip, read all about part 2 now.

Saturday August 31

The 2019 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part One

It’s our annual trip to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We go every year, since 2001, making this our 19th year in a row. And we love it more than ever. This year our granddaughter Josephine went with us again. Also traveling, our friends Mama O and Claudia, and Margaret from Portland.

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Monday August 26th

Pictures From The 2018 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2018 trip to Seattle and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and much more!)  are now online! We had a great time and so did our friends. Take a look at the pictures!

If you are thinking of going in 2019, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2018 Seattle and Bumbershoot photos

What we did on the 2018 trip – part 1

What we did on the 2018 trip – part 2

The 2018 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 2

Click here to read part 1 first

Continued from part 1. I’ll post some pictures soon.

Saturday September 1

Day 2 of the Bumbershoot Music And Arts Festival. All threee festival days it was lunch at Veggie Grill, a quick monorail ride, and then Bumbershoot. The first thing among our selections today was a sampling of the Film Festival, this group called Films For Families. These are award-winning short films, usually 6 or 7 in about an hour. We see a sampling every year and it’s always interesting. Next, Petra went to catch part of music set by Skating Polly and then met us at one of the comedy venues for Off Book: The Improvised Musical. This was two people with a guest comedian doing an improv story as a musical. It was about an hour and a quarter of a wildly imaginitive story made up on the fly with spontaneous music numbers (broadway style) throughout. I am very serious when I say this was really really really funny. I was laughing out loud for much of it and marveling at their creativity the rest of the time. It was a major highlight. Next up we saw musical duo Marian Hill, who used samples and prerecorded backing but added a lot to it. Oddly, they played their hit “Down” first but the crowd really liked them anyway. [continued]

The 2018 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 1

It’s our annual trip to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We go every year, since 2001, making this our 18th year in a row. And we love it more than ever. This year our granddaughter Josephine went with us again. Also traveling, our friends Mama O and Claudia (first time for her).

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Tuesday August 28th

We took the Blue Van to the airport and caught our Southwest flight to Seattle’s SEA-TAC airport. From there we took the Link Light Rail, easy-peasy, to a few blocks from our condo at the Worldmark Seattle aka The Camlin. It was too early to check in so we stowed our luggage and walked down to El Borracho, near Pike Place Market, for some tasty Mexican food (with numerous vegan options of course). By then it was time to check in at the Camlin so we unpacked then walked to the monorail, which we took to the Seattle Center. We lounged around the International Fountain for a while, it’s pretty and peaceful. We walked across and down the street to Bartell’s Drugs (upstairs) and the Metropolitan Market (downstairs) and bought some supplies for the week. We took the stuff on the monorail back to the Camliln. We talked up with trip-mates Mama O and Claudia for a bit, then called it a night. [continued]

Pictures From The 2017 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2017 trip to Seattle and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and much more!)  are now online! We had a great time and so did our friends. Take a look at the pictures!

If you are thinking of going in 2018, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2017 Seattle and Bumbershoot photos

What we did on the 2017 trip – part 1

What we did on the 2017 trip – part 2

The 2017 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 2

Wait! You should read part one first.

Already did that? Then let’s continue with our Seattle and Bumbershoot trip for 2017.

Monday September 4th

The 2017 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 1

It’s our annual trip to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We go every year, since 2001, making this our 17th year in a row. And we love it more than ever. This year our granddaughter Josephine went with us again. Also traveling, our friends Cal, Laura, Marie, Mama O, Aunt Sam, and Margaret.

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Thursday August 31st

Pictures From The 2016 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

bumbershoot_2016Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2016 trip to Ocean Shores, Seattle, and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and much more!)  are now online! We had a great time and so did our friends. Take a look at the pictures!

If you are thinking of going in 2017, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2016 Seattle and Bumbershoot photos

What we did on the 2016 trip – part 1

What we did on the 2016 trip – part 2

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The 2016 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 2

bumbershoot_2016Wait! You should read part one first.

Already did that? Then let’s continue with our Seattle and Bumbershoot trip for 2016.

Friday September 2

First day of the Bumbershoot Festival. We started with lunch at Veggie Grill, then took the monorail over to the Seattle Center, where Bumbershoot happens. It’s our 16th year in a row to attend, ever since we discovered it. First on the bill today was an exclusive, private radio performance and interview with Michael Franti. This was a VIP perk and we we fortunate that all three of us could go. Nice start to the day! Then we caught a couple songs by Atlas Genius, ok but just that. We watch some of the break dancing exhibition, which Josephine liked, and checked out some of the Visual Arts exhibits too.

The 2016 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 1

spaceneedleIt’s our annual trip to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We go every year, since 2001, making this our 16th year in a row. And we love it more than ever. And this year our granddaughter Josephine went with us. Also traveling, our friends Cal, Laura, Mama O, Aunt Sam, and Margaret.

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Sunday August 28th

We took the blue van to the airport and then flew Southwest Airlines to Seattle. Once there, we rented a car and drove to Ocean Shores on the Washington coast. On the way we stopped at Chipotle for lunch. We checked in to Worldmark Mariner’s Village, our home for two nights. After a quick trip to the grocery store for supplies we relaxed back at the condo. We saw deer on the lawn and the field below our balcony.
