Category: Family

Pictures From The 2018 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else. The pictures from our 2018 trip to Seattle and the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and much more!)  are now online! We had a great time and so did our friends. Take a look at the pictures!

If you are thinking of going in 2019, let me know!

If you have any questions, just ask. And leave a comment if you want….

2018 Seattle and Bumbershoot photos

What we did on the 2018 trip – part 1

What we did on the 2018 trip – part 2

The 2016 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 2

bumbershoot_2016Wait! You should read part one first.

Already did that? Then let’s continue with our Seattle and Bumbershoot trip for 2016.

Friday September 2

First day of the Bumbershoot Festival. We started with lunch at Veggie Grill, then took the monorail over to the Seattle Center, where Bumbershoot happens. It’s our 16th year in a row to attend, ever since we discovered it. First on the bill today was an exclusive, private radio performance and interview with Michael Franti. This was a VIP perk and we we fortunate that all three of us could go. Nice start to the day! Then we caught a couple songs by Atlas Genius, ok but just that. We watch some of the break dancing exhibition, which Josephine liked, and checked out some of the Visual Arts exhibits too.

The 2016 Seattle And Bumbershoot Trip – Part 1

spaceneedleIt’s our annual trip to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. We go every year, since 2001, making this our 16th year in a row. And we love it more than ever. And this year our granddaughter Josephine went with us. Also traveling, our friends Cal, Laura, Mama O, Aunt Sam, and Margaret.

I’ll post some pictures soon, but first, here’s what we did on our trip.

Sunday August 28th

We took the blue van to the airport and then flew Southwest Airlines to Seattle. Once there, we rented a car and drove to Ocean Shores on the Washington coast. On the way we stopped at Chipotle for lunch. We checked in to Worldmark Mariner’s Village, our home for two nights. After a quick trip to the grocery store for supplies we relaxed back at the condo. We saw deer on the lawn and the field below our balcony.

Happy Birthday Petra B

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Petra B,
Happy birthday to you…

This is just a short post to give the warmest birthday greetings ever to my wife and partner Petra B.

Her love, her friendship, her intelligence, her sense of humor, her beauty inside and out, and so many more things make my life better every day. Not only that, but in the time I have known her she has made me a much better person.

What else can I say, I just wanted to share it with my millions of readers.

So happy birthday Petra B and here’s to many, many more…

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A Quick Trip To Santa Cruz With Pictures

We took a two night/three day trip to Santa Cruz recently, taking along our two granddaughters. Our friends Larry and Robin graciously let us stay with them and we all had a good time there. We took the girls to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and they loved it! The forecast had been for rain, but it didn’t rain until late afternoon. What happened though, is that the crowds were small and so there was no waiting for rides. The kids could just get off the rides and then get back on, over and over and over and over and over and, well, you get the idea.

The pictures are here, check them out and feel free to leave a comment below.

Photo page

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Turn and face the strange.

This song keeps running through my head. Life has held many changes lately. They say it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you react to it that matters. Do you think that is true? Anyway, here’s the fantastic David Bowie. Check it out!



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Two Thanksgiving Dinners

Yep. We had two. The first was with my family at a local restaurant. It was nice to see the family and afterwards we went over to my Dad’s house to visit a while. Good times.

The second dinner is the one in the picture. Tofurkey roast with stuffing inside, mashed potatoes, different stuffing, creamed corn, salad with Seitan and faux blue cheese, homemade cranberry sauce, red wine (sangiovese), and a cranberry apple crisp for desert. All vegan. All tasty!

Hope you had some good dinners too 😉

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Fourth Annual Swell Sister Art Show With Petra B

Save the date! On November 12th, 2011 it’s the (fourth) annual Swell Sister Art Show and once again my wife, friend, and partner Petra B will have a piece or two in the exhibit, along with various types of art by other members of the Swell Sister Society art group. The free event is part of the city’s Second Saturday festivities and will be held at Shine, 1400 E Street in Sacramento, CA from 5 PM until 8 PM.

Click on the two images to see more info about the show and the official postcard/flier. Then make a point to come out on November 12th and see some great art!

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The New Airport Terminal And The Public Art

We took the granddaughters out to the airport to see the new Teminal B, scheduled to open on this coming Wednesday. We got tickets to a preview so we could see it early. We wanted to see the new one billion dollar terminal but also all the public art that is in it. The kids loved the art and so did we. And the terminal is pretty awesome too, very light and modern, lots of glass, and very large! And many of the restaurants in the terminal building are local, not just the same chains that you see in every city. Nice touch! Pictures after the “read more”…

The San Diego Trip Pictures

As promised, I’ve posted some pictures from our recent trip to San Diego with our granddaughter Josephine. Take a look by clicking here. There are three pages of pictures so don’t miss a one! Click on the first small one to see the larger ones. Then you can just click through them or use the right arrow. Have fun! And maybe leave a comment below if you want to…

2011 San Diego pictures

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The 2011 San Diego Trip

We recently took a short vacation to the San Diego area of California. This trip was a bit different, because we had our 9-year old granddaughter with us. Because of that, we tried to work this trip so that she would have a great time. And I think she did.

Here’s a quick overview of what we did. Oh yes, there will be pictures. Later. For now, thrill to the exciting recap of… “Our Trip to San Diego”!

Monday – April 25th

It’s a long way to San Diego. Even though we had six days of vacation, two of them (one on each end) were driving days. On this one, we headed south from Sacramento, on our way. A few hours 

Art class


Our granddaughter (the seven year old, not the nine year old) did this music-themed art in her class recently. Very cool, don’t you think?

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Kings Fans


Petra B and granddaughter Josephine at the Kings game!

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Third Annual Swell Sister Art Show With Petra B

Save the date! On December 11th, 2010 it’s the (third) annual Swell Sister Art Show and once again my wife, friend, and partner Petra B will have a piece or two in the exhibit, along with various types of art by other members of the Swell Sister Society art group. The free event is part of the city’s Second Saturday festivities and will be held at the Coffee Garden, 2904 Franklin Blvd in Sacramento, CA from 6 PM until 9 PM. Also featured: Little Treasures, affordable art for everyone, to benefit the Women’s Wisdom Project of the Sacramento Food Band and Family Services.

Click on the two images to see more info about the show and the official postcard/flier. Then make a point to come out on December 11th and see some great art!

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Petra B – Still NED And Loving It

Yesterday was the semi-annual visit to the oncologist for Petra. She is finally finished with the orginal surgeon, the chemo, the radiation oncologist (after five years), and the reconstructive surgeon (after five years), but still sees this one every six months. And no, that is NOT him in the picture.

After a discussion of her recent blood work and (of course) an exam, her doctor pronounced her to be “NED”. That’s cancer-speak for No Evidence of Disease. Yahoo! That’s the best you can hope for once you have ever had cancer. And it only holds until the next round of appointments. But still, yahoo again! High fives for everyone!

Leave me a comment below or else the doctor in this picture will give you an exam!

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A Day In The Life – Take 7

OK, it’s not really a day. It’s the last week or so. But it’s time to catch up a little bit on what the heck stevenology has been doing!

Well, to start off, I’m full and happy after a lunch at Curry Corner. It’s a great Indian Food lunch buffet here in the Natomas area. All you can eat and all gooooood.

Last night we saw an advance screening of a new movie, City Island (web site, more info, even more info). It’s a very funny comedy with heart. We were laughing out loud and so was everyone else in the theater. Great writing, brisk pace, and funny! Go see it!

And let’s be sure to add some April birthday wishes for my sister Steph, my ex-sister-in-law Connie, and our friend Jared (the big 30).

And talking about Jared, he just started up a food-related blog over at JaredEatsWorld. Go visit and tell him stevenology sent you!

Last Friday night we went to see the Sacramento Rivercats baseball game. It was fun, always is, but they lost. They choked at the end. Oh well, you can’t win them all.

OK, faithful readers, what do you think of all THAT?
