Category: Seattle

Seattle And Bumbershoot 2011 – Part 2

This is the second part of the trip recap. To read part one, click here.

Saturday September 3

Mid-morning we took the convenient monorail over to the Seattle Center, the site of the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. Today was the first day of this amazing event. Doors opened at 11:00 but we got there at about 10:30 and they let us in early! I took that as a good omen. We got our Starbucks pass, allowing us free coffee drinks for the entire festival. Can’t argue with that. Then we went to the VIP hospitality lounge for some food to get us started for the day. They were determined to provide vegetarian and even some vegan options too. We checked our schedules for the day and decided to start with a new stage this year (EMP Level 3) where Seattle’s Tomten was playing. They had won a competition to get a performing slot and were pretty good. Indie-type rock with a little more to the songs than some. Oh, and in case I forget, all three days of the festival we ate some festival food too. Eating is fun! But back to the music. The next act we saw was at the Main Stage (moved indoors this year), 90s act The Presidents of the USA. We watched about half of their set and they are still doing what they have always done. Of course they did their hit “Lump” and a bunch of others. Meanwhile, we realized that with our VIP passes we got some free drink tickets, so we went to one of the beer gardens and had a beer (or in Petra’s case, a glass of wine). At a nearby stage P.S. I Love You was playing but we didn’t hear anything that made us want to stick around. Not with so many other options. What are there, 12-15 stages?

Seattle And Bumbershoot 2011 – Part 1

We just got back from our annual trek to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and more). I’ll post some pictures soon, but in the meantime here is a short synopsis of what we did. Enjoy, and maybe we’ll see you there next year…

Wednesday August 31

We flew to Seattle (Southwest Airlines) and arrived in the afternoon. Seattle has a great light rail train system that took us from the airport (nowhere near the actual city) all the way up to three blocks from our hotel. For just a few bucks! We checked in at The Camlin and then walked about five blokcs or so to the nearby Whole Foods Market, to get some supplies. You know, chips, salsa, cereal, fruit, soy milk, bottled water, wine, just the necessities. We lugged all that back to the hotel and then we were truly ready for anything. Well, pretty much. But we were hungry too! We were walking the block or so to Cyber-Dogs, a great vegetarian hot dog place, when we bumped into a couple of our fellow Sacramento friends, Mama O and Liz. We chatted a bit on the street (sidewalk actually) and then went to Cyber-Dogs for our meal (menu). This place gives you a lot of food, not just a measly hot dog. Next it was back to the room to plan out the event of the next couple days. Yes, I love Seattle!

Seattle And Bumbershoot 2010 Photos Here Now!

Hello again, family, friends, and everyone else too. The pictures from our Seattle 2010 trip are now online! We had a great time as usual. There are Seattle pix, Bumbershoot Festival pix, and just some other weird pix we took on the trip.

Note: These photos came from three different cameras: a real digital camera and two different cell-phone cameras. So, they may not be exactly totally in order. Still fun though…

Any questions, just ask. Besides Petra and me, you might even notice a couple pictures of our friend Mama O and members of her posse too. Take a look! Leave a comment if you want, I’ll be waiting….

Seattle/Bumbershoot 2010 photos

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Seattle 2010 And Bumbershoot Part 3

You can find part one here and part two here.

Sunday September 5

Day three of the festival and I am loving it! No surprise there. Same routine, we took the monorail to the Bumbershoot Festival and grabbed a snack at the hospitality area. Our first show to see was David Bazan at the KEXP secret lounge. While we waited, we heard a few songs from a nearby stage by The Tripwires which were ok but nothing special. Then we went in to see David. He’s the former singer-songwriter behind Pedro The Lion, now with a new band. We were really close up to see and hear his new songs mixed with PTL songs too. Good stuff. After that, Petra wanted to see Art Corps Presents so she went to that. I wandered a different direction to see a couple songs by Crash Kings, who I didn’t really like too much, and then The Redwood Plan at the cool Sky Church venue. They were quite a bit better. I also

Seattle 2010 And Bumbershoot Part 2

First off, part one is here in case you missed it.

Friday September 3

And a happy birthday to the daughter too. We started the day, as with the past few, by having a light breakfast in the room. Then we were outta there, to walk a few blocks to the monorail station. We took the two-minute train to the Seattle Center, because it was the day before the Bumbershoot Music and Arts festival. The day before? So what, you say? Ha. Yeah. Well, they open up the visual art exhibits a day early (for one thing), so we got a great chance to check all the art a day early before all the crowds were there. And it was totally great, just like every year. After a while of this we finished and then picked up our Bumbershoot Gold Passes. Yep, we bought some VIP treatment but not the Platinum. That takes the big money!

Art, gold passes, monorail, wow doesn’t that make you hungry? Well it did us! A few blocks away was Pacliacci Pizza so we stopped by for a slice. We actually had a two-for-one coupon from last year and they honored it no problem. The pizza was pretty good too. Then it was across the street to Easy Street Records. We shopped quite a while and found some CDs that we absolutely positively needed wanted. Same old story for us! After, we took the monorail back to the hotel so we could drop off the CDs, passes, and other stuff.

Then back to the Seattle Center to check out the

Seattle 2010 And Bumbershoot Part 1

We just got back from our annual trek to Seattle for the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (and more). I’ll post some pictures soon, but in the meantime here is a short synopsis of what we did. Enjoy, and maybe we’ll see you there next year…

Tuesday August 31

We took the Super Shuttle to the airport, and you know, once you are on the shuttle then you are on vacation. It was a quick flight to the Seattle Airport (SEA-TAC). The city of Seattle recently built a light rail line from downtown to the airport (they are way ahead of us) so we tried it. It was much better than a bus and only $2.50. We checked into our hotel, The Camlin, and even thought we were a little early our room was ready. Nice. First stop for us hungry travelers was nearby Cyber-Dogs. This is a great place, all vegetarian, with awesome and filling dogs with lots of toppings and combinations. Suitably stuffed, we went to the grocery store and bought a few supplies to keep with us back at the hotel for quick breakfasts and snacks. Then we

It’s Almost Bumbershoot – See You There!

It’s only 40 days until this year’s Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival (Sept. 4-6) !!

Any thoughts about it so far? Who are you going to see? Who do you think we should see? Almost every act has been announced by now, so I won’t list them all. It’s all on the web site. Here are some helpful links:

Main web site:

Printable PDF artist lineup, schedules, and map, which includes the new venue that is replacing “the pit” (aka the Exhibition Hall)

Online lineup and scheduling tool:

Miscellaneous info:

Info about the free 40-years-of-Bumbershoot poster show (thru Sept. 7):

Downloadable icons, wallpaper, and cellphone stuff:

Platinum/Gold Pass info:

Buy tickets and ticket info:

That’s all for now…

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Pictures! Now! 2009 Seattle And Bumbershoot

It’s true! After only a couple months, I finally posted some pictures from our 2009 Seattle trip! We attended the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival, of course, and did some other fun stuff around our second-favorite city too. Larry and Robin (friends) were with us most of the trip and Mama O and her friends we there part of the time too. A great time was had by all!

We didn’t get pictures of every music act we watched at the festival, but you can read about it here (part one) and here (part two) if you want the play-by-play. It’s a gripping read, and one you might not soon forget. Or I could be wrong. In any event the pictures from the trip (three pages worth) are here on the photo page. Click on the first small photo to see the larger image and then you can either click through them or watch the slide show. Have fun and leave me a comment afterwards!!

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Leave me a comment below. I’m waiting and waiting and waiting!

Seattle 2009 And Bumbershoot – Part 2

bshoot09_logoThe tale of how we spent out Seattle vacation continues. The saga of the first four days can be found here. For the rest of the trip in all it’s glory, continue on, oh my humble and dear readers…

Saturday September 5
After a year of waiting, today was finally the first real day of the 2009 Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. Yeah! We monorailed it over to the festival grounds, and headed for the hospitality room. Included with our Gold Passes was three day access to this room, an oasis with free snacks, drinks, tables and chairs, and indoor clean restrooms. That last item become more important later in the day since the restrooms on the festival grounds can get a little funky. But we don’t worry about that. Anyway, we perused the day’s schedule for the 15 or so different stages and decided to first see a band called Everest.

Seattle 2009 And Bumbershoot – Part 1

Space NeedleWhat we did on a summer vacation, the first four days anyway…

We recently went to Seattle for a week, as we have done over Labor Day for the last nine or so years. The big attraction is the Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. It’s a three day festival with entertainment on about 15 stages, plus a variety of other stuff going on too. You can find out more at Anyway, between that and some side events, most of the week in Seattle is taken up, and in a great way. But we managed to fit in some other fun things too. Here’s what we did…

Tuesday September 1
We caught the plane to Seattle in the morning. A nice quick flight. Then we took the Seattle city bus from the airport to the hotel. Lucky us, the bus stops right across the street from our hotel, The Camlin. It was before check-in time but the hotel stashed our luggage so we could explore the city for a while. We walked a bit and then took the monorail to the Seattle Center area. Ninety seconds of zipping above the traffic, nice concept! We walked through the center, looking at the preparations for the upcomong Bumbershoot Festival, and walked over to Kidd Valley burgers for a lunch of gardenburgers and onion rings dipped in tartar sauce. Next stop was down the street to Easy Street Records, a nice new-and-used music store where we always find things we need want.

It’s Almost Bumbershoot!

bshoot09_logoIt’s almost here! The 2009 Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival in Seattle. Three full days (and more) of music, art, comedy, film, literature, dance, theater, food, spectacle, more music, and lots of other stuff too!

View the massive schedule of all the Bumbershoot performers.

If you want to make a suggestion for me, put it in the comments below. Now, now, keep it nice.

To view the Bumbershoot web site, go here.

This year, Petra and I will be up in Seattle for a week, friends Larry and Robin (their web site) will be there most of the time, and Mama O and her posse will be there from 3-5 days or so. Big fun for everyone. Recently, I wrote more about who to see at this year’s event in my earlier posts Bumbershoot – You’re Telling Me and Who Should I See At Bumbershoot.

Yah-hoo! I am SO READY!!!!!

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Bumbershoot – You’re Telling Me!

Earlier this month I asked for input about which artists (music and otherwise) I should see at this year’s Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival. I also listed some of the artists that I am thinking of seeing. Well, Mama O posted her suggestions online on the blog, but millions of you a bunch of you wrote me via email. So, here are the suggestions I have received so far (after the jump):

Who Should I See At Bumbershoot?

Here’s your chance to tell me where to go! Take a look at the schedule for the Bumbershoot Festival coming up and let me know what acts you think are worth seeing. I’ll be there and I might need help! The schedule is here:

Any thoughts? Leave me a comment, click on the comment link below!

Bumbershoot Festival main web site 


New pix! 2006 Seattle, Bumbershoot, OR, CA, yeah!

Finally!! And it’s about time!! The pictures are online from the 2006 trip to Seattle (including the Bumbershoot Festival, more Seattle, Portland and Eugene (Oregon), and northern California. After only two and a half years! Yeah, baby! Friends Larry and Robin were there, as well as Mama O and some of her friends too. You can see what we did during the trip, our photos, and Larry and Robin’s photos too. Check it out now, you’ll be glad you did, I guarantee it or your money back!!

Bumbershoot Music And Arts Festival

– Update: The new Bumbershoot web site for 2009 is online as of March 6. Check it out. The first group of performers will be announced later this month, so they say, with more to follow…
– Second update: I can die happy now. Bumbershoot itself commented on this post [see below] and on their site! [click here]
It’s about six months until the 2009 Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival in Seattle. We go there every year, since 2001. And we already have a room reserved for this year, which will be our ninth Bumbershoot.

One of life’s coolest and most wonderful things, Bumbershoot is three full days of 15-20 stages, outdoor and indoor, full of music, comedy, art, dance, literature, theater, film, vendors, street perfomers, visual arts, exhibits, activities, food, and tons of other arts-related stuff. Some of you already know how much I love this festival. Some of you might have even gone with us! Or might go this year? The festival is over Labor Day weekend (this year September 5-7), when the festival has been held for some 38 or so years. I only wish I had known about it sooner.

You can find out more on their web site, although they haven’t put the 2009 site up yet. But you can sure check out the 2008 site to see how very cool this festival is. For instance, you can see what artists played the festival from 1980-2008. Seriously, check it out. There are also some pictures of our Seattle/Bumbershoot trips from 2007, 2005, and 2004 on the photos page. If you want to be on my Bumbershoot email list, for the occasional scoop about the festival and who might be playing this year, just send me an email here or leave a comment below.

As always, open for commenting…
