
Petra B Petra B
Sacramento, CA
Web site
      Dean Dean
Milwaukee, WI
Petra likes:
1) Being a Gramma
2) My home
3) Prince

Petra dislikes:
1) Anything made out of a dead animal (especially food)
2) War
3) Incompetence

  Dean likes:
1) Getting frequent buyer discount at record stores
2) Saying "Order in the court"
3) Vactioning in sunny Sacramento

Dean dislikes:
1) Not having time for all the CDs and books that I buy
2) Responsibility that requires activity
3) The fact that Obsessed With Music is closed

Larry Larry
Santa Cruz, CA
      Robin Robin
Santa Cruz, CA
Larry likes:
1) Robin
2) Reggae Music
3) Santa Cruz, CA

Larry dislikes:
1) Bush
2) Fox News
3) LA Lakers

  Robin likes:
1) Meeting Brian for breakfast
2) The numbers 4 and 7
3) Art, art and more art

Robin dislikes:
1) Country music stations
2) Nervous tapping
3) Talking on the phone

Betty Betty
El Dorado Hills, CA
      Karl Karl
El Dorado Hills, CA
Betty likes:
1) Weekends
2) Scrapbooking
3) Vacations (especially all-inclusive vacations with my favorite neighbors) :)

Betty dislikes:
1) Red-light runners
2) Spinach and/or mushrooms
3) People with big egos

  Karl likes:
1) Working out
2) Leftover tortillas
3) Powerwashing

Karl dislikes:
1) George W Bush
2) Teams that beat the 49ers
3) Traffic signals and stop signs

Deborah Deborah
      John John
Sacramento, CA
Deborah likes:
1) Spain
2) My family and my dogs
3) Planning my retirement

Deborah dislikes:
1) Dense people
2) Traffic
3) Men who are pinheads

  John likes:
1) Music
2) Riding my bike
3) Camping along the coast during Thanksgiving

John dislikes:
1) Jerks at work - bad enough I have to go, don't make it worse
2) Bad drivers - except when I do it
3) The war in Iraq - will we ever leave?

Cal Cal
Sacramento, CA
      Laura Laura
Sacramento, CA
Cal likes:
1) Shrimp
2) Pewter
3) Aqua Teen Hunger Force (an adult cartoon show)

Cal dislikes:
1) SUV's
2) "Reality" television
3) Manual labor

  Laura likes:
1) Red wine
2) Books
3) Cal

Laura dislikes:
1) George Bush
2) Arnold Schwartzenegger
3) Work

Ron Ron
Sacramento, CA
      Kevin Kevin
Burlingame, CA
Web site
Ron likes:
1) Lake Tahoe (still like it)
2) Free time (when I get it)
3) Massive bundles of cash

Ron dislikes:
1) Not being retired yet (offically)
2) Drivers in to much of a hurry
3) Slot machines that don't payoff (Isn't that all of them?)

  Kevin likes:
1) Playing with my kids.
2) Playing in the band I'm in.
3) Listening to music.

Kevin dislikes:
1) Republican or conservative policies (I don't dislike the people, just their policies).
2) The song "500 Miles" by the Proclaimers.
3) Lima beans and brussel sprouts.

Corita Corita
Sacramento, CA
      Mike Mike
Sacramento, CA
Corita likes:
1) Good conversation
2) A good book or song
3) A highway with no traffic

Corita dislikes:
1) A narrow mind
2) Hearing lyrics that had to be written by a five year old, then being bombarded by those lyrics by the media
3) A cold cup of coffee

  Mike likes:
1) A good guitar solo
2) People who use their heads
3) Hanging out in a foreign country

Mike dislikes:
1) neocons
2) bigots
3) Irresponsible media

Bob Bob
Midlothian, VA
      Brett Brett
Los Angeles, CA
Bob likes:
1) Art: Dada and Surrealism
2) A good scotch (at least 12 yr old) and a good beer (nothing mass produced)
3) Music: Most things far off the beaten path

Bob dislikes:
1) Political conservatism
2) Sports (all of them)
3) Organized Religion (all of them)

  Brett likes:
1) Thanksgiving gravy and stuffing
2) Big butts
3) Dirty Harry movies

Brett dislikes:
1) "Anyhoo..."
2) Selfish drivers
3) My own mortality

Steve Steve
Chico, CA
      Michael Michael
West Sacramento, CA
Steve likes:
1) Working in Indian Country
2) Hearing some good music
3) A little news

Steve dislikes:
1) Hackers, crackers and viruses
2) Supporting Windows software
3) Not knowing the spelling or definition

  Michael likes:
1) Spending time with my wife and daughter
2) Sports
3) Home improvements

Michael dislikes:
1) Negativity
2) Any team that beats the kings
3) Peppermint patties - yuck!

Jared Jared
Sacramento, CA
Web site
Jared likes:
1) Pretending I'm not at work
2) Receiving hand written letters
3) Making snow angels

Jared dislikes:
1) Chain e-mails
2) Snakes
3) The Love Boat