September birthdays for family and friends. Hope your day was great!
Larry T (friend)
Dean Z (friend)
Andrea (family)
Petra’s Uncle Jim
Did I forget anyone? Did I forget YOU? If so please leave me a comment!!
Some of you miss the old blogging style, where I told you in some detail about my boring yet fascinating life. We can look back and squeal with delight at Stevenology 1.0 and the diary that it sometimes was. Or not. But one thing that is missing was the personal information. Or, as many readers say, “Just what is Steven up to these days?”
So, lets get up to date about the grandkids, Josephine, Jasmine, and Raziel. As you know,
The granddaughters. The park. Yeah. It was great to see them since we don’t get to see them very often. As you can tell they are growing up and getting older. Petra made them each a beautiful glass necklace and we celebrated Josephine’s seventh birthday too.
The girls spent a lot of time playing on the playground swings and slides and we took over a hundred pictures. Well, you know, you gotta take ’em when you can. It was great to see the girls this past week.
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