Category: Movies

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Life is the ultimate work of artTonight we saw the new Woody Allen film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (official site). Woody is not in it but it has his unmistakable imprint in the writing and directing. In other words, it’s a good one. The excellent Rotten Tomatoes site is rating it an 80%, which is pretty high, with the consensus sentence being “A beguiling tragicomedy, Vicky Cristina Barcelona charms with beautiful views of the Spanish city and a marvelously well-matched cast”. You can read plenty of reviews on the RT site.

The Woodman rarely makes a weak film and this one entertains, and more. OK, ok, it is not his absolute best but that is such a high standard. It is 

Happy Birthday, Steve Martin!

Happy August 14th Birthday to Mr Steve Martin [wikipedia, read this], actor, comedian, writer, and general funny guy. I’ve laughed at and admired him since the early days of the happy feet, the arrow through the head, the cruel shoes, and the banjo with jokes. His humor, along with his expressions and his timing, made him hilarious.

He’s had a great career, long and varied. He’s been in a slew of films, too many to count now. Some were funny like The Jerk, The Man With Two Brains, Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid, Roxanne, and Bowfinger. Others were simple formula pictures that he brought up just by his being in them, like Father Of The Bride, Housesitter, and All Of Me. And some were clunkers like Cheaper By The Dozen and Bringing Down The House. But Steve was always worth watching. What was your favorite of his films? Least favorite? Leave a comment and let me know.

And now a few quotes [after the jump]

Swing Vote – The Movie

Swing VoteI won free tickets to a “sneak preview” of the new movie Swing Vote. Of course, it is playing everywhere now so you can see it too! Well, if you want to that is. I liked it. It’s not great but I thought it was entertaining, and if you like Kevin Costner in comedies then you will like this. It’s a comedy mixed with a little drama too, and some of a political satire thrown in for good measure. You just have to accept the far-fetched story line and then you will probably enjoy it.

The local paper gave it three stars out of four and I guess that sounds about right. Costner is pretty good and there are some funny and clever parts. Not a perfect movie, of course, but it’s a pleasant way to pass a couple hours. With movies, I always check the wonderful Rotten Tomatoes site, and in this case their Swing Vote page. Hmmm, maybe I liked it more than most critics, because the RT page only has a 38 out of 100 rating, but that might have changed by the time you read this.

Have you seen this movie? Do you want to? Let me know in the comments…
