Whether you are a vegetarian or not, most people do not want animals to be mistreated or abused. This measure would help prevent cruelty to animals, improve our health and food safety, support family farmers, protect air and water and safeguard the environment, and is a reasonable and common-sense reform. Read more here or visit the campaign site here or maybe even donate to this worthy cause here.
Don’t believe me? Read the frequently asked questions to find out what the measure will do and why it is necessary. In a nutshell, this measure will provide more humane treatment of millions of farm animals by phasing out their confinement in small crates and cages where they can barely move for virtually their entire lives. The law would take effect in 2015 and would require that calves raised for veal, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens are given enough space to turn around, lie down, and stretch their limbs. Similar laws have been passed in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, and throughout the European Union’s 27 member countries.