Category: Politics

Yes On Proposition 2 – Help Farm Animals

The Humane Society of the United StatesWhether you are a vegetarian or not, most people do not want animals to be mistreated or abused. This measure would help prevent cruelty to animals, improve our health and food safety, support family farmers, protect air and water and safeguard the environment, and is a reasonable and common-sense reform. Read more here or visit the campaign site here or maybe even donate to this worthy cause here.

Don’t believe me? Read the frequently asked questions to find out what the measure will do and why it is necessary. In a nutshell, this measure will provide more humane treatment of millions of farm animals by phasing out their confinement in small crates and cages where they can barely move for virtually their entire lives. The law would take effect in 2015 and would require that calves raised for veal, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens are given enough space to turn around, lie down, and stretch their limbs. Similar laws have been passed in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, and throughout the European Union’s 27 member countries.


Election 2008: To Help You Decide

Newsweek magazine did a little detective work and found out how many cars John and Cindy McCain have: 13. Yes, you read that right. Some are foreign cars and some are American made, even though he has publicly stated that he only has American vehicles. Barack and Michelle Obama, on the other hand, have just one car, a Ford Escape hybrid.

The McCains have 13 vehicles; the Obama’s have 1.  Which candidate do YOU think is more in touch with the average American? Go ahead, I’ll wait, check your garage and see who lives most like you do.

And remember, John McCain doesn’t even know how many houses he owns! Somewhere around 7, 8, he lost track. How out of touch can a candidate be?

Obama in 08 !!

Obama In 08 – A Few Reasons Why

Obama in 08Why Obama is better than McCain. Here are some reasons. I’m sure there are plenty more. Stay tuned and remember to Vote for Obama in 08

Obama is pro-choice, like most of the country. McCain is not.

Obama wants a phased withdrawal from our deadly mistake of the Iraq war. McCain is fine with “100 years” in Iraq. Note that the Iraqi government wants us out too.

Obama wants to engage in direct talks with Iran, McCain sings and jokes about “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran”.

Obama believes in a moderate level of gun control, such as controlling assault weapons and concealed weapons. McCain does not.

Obama believes health care should be provided for all, the way nearly every other country in the world does. McCain does not.

Obama voted against invading Iraq. McCain voted for the war.

Obama is pro-union and pro-worker.

John McCain Thinks You Are Stupid

Just say NO MORE!John McCain (aka McSame, aka Bush 44) thinks you are stupid. That is the only explanation I can figure. He is all over the media with his “Maverick” talk, yapping about how he will bring change to Washington and reform things and shake things up. But NEWS FLASH!!!!  It is HIS PARTY that has been running things the past eight years. Duh! He voted with George Bush 90% of the time. (Last year it was 95%). Ooooh, really shaking things up there John, aren’t we? Not!! If he ever was a “maverick”, those days were over long long ago. Nowdays he is just more of the same. If you want change he is so not the real thing.

The only difference I can really see is that McSame may be a little smarter (who isn’t?), but the tradeoff is his legendary temper. But wait. He doesn’t even know how many houses he owns so forget that “smarter” comment I made. Oh, and Bush didn’t dump his first wife after she was disfigured in an auto accident.

From the UK Daily Mail:

McCain’s first wife, Carol, was a famous beauty and a successful swimwear model when they married in 1965. She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.

The Excellent 2008 Seattle Trip: Days 1 – 3

The Space Needle

Note: Be sure to check out some of the links too!!

Wednesday 8/27

We flew into Seattle. Actually the plane did, but we were on it. There was me and Petra, friends Larry and Robin, and Mama O (who would meet up with the rest of her posse later). We took a crowded bus to the Camlin hotel. It let us off right across the street which was very convenient. We checked in and took a quick look at the nice rooms. But of course we were all hungry so we walked a block over to Cyber Dogs Internet Cafe and Vegetarian Oasis, a great vegetarian hot dog place. The dogs are meatless but good and the toppings more than make up for that. I’ve tried a couple different ones over the last few trips and all were great. The menu is here, check out the specialty dogs. After food, what else is important? You guessed it. We took a quick and easy bus ride to the state-run liquor store. Yar!! Then we started walking back to the hotel and
