- Friday, December 31, 2004 -
It's New Years Eve and people get crazy. Make that crazier. So we usually stay in. But this time we went to a late dinner with Larry and Robin (friends) at Celestins. Carribean food and very good. We were home before the drunks came out on the road. Safe and sane? Well, at least one of the two.
- Thursday, December 30, 2004 -
Still off work and still loving it. Ran errands etc. Another day another dinner, met Karl and Betty (friends) at 524. I could get used to not working.
- Wednesday, December 29, 2004 -
We had dinner at the in-laws, but before that we took our niece and nephew on Petra's side, Rhys and Dayn, to lunch at Lyons (very slow service, avoid the 30th and J Street location). After, we took them to a play, "A Year With Frog and Toad" at the B Street theater. Pretty good, actually. I enjoyed both Frog AND Toad. And the kids loved it.
Later that evening we watched a DVD from Netflix
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 -
My birthday. Another one.
"It was a gala day. And a gal a day is enough for any man" - Groucho Marx
Actually it was a great day. It started with a nice, mushy card from Petra. What a wonderful woman. Then we had lunch with Jared, Michael, and Kirk, a few friends from work. We ate at El Novillero, a great Mexican restaurant with fine food and margaritas. After that we went to the movies and saw Spanglish (web site), with Tea Leoni, Adam Sandler, Cloris Leachman, and many more. I was expecting more comedy than drama but it was the other way around. Still a lot of humor but more in life's situations. I would recommend it. And then dinner at Todo Un Poco, an excellent restaurant in Elk Grove (Laguna). Go eat at this place. Anyway, another year, another birthday. I think I will do this again next year...
- Monday, December 27, 2004 -
No work this week, what could be better? Started the day with lunch at Jacks Urban Eats near here. Then a bunch of shopping. First Costco for food and a bunch of other stuff too. The Seinfeld dvd box set (season three), a Marx brothers dvd box set, a WC Fields dvd box set, a karaoke machine for Petra, yada yada yada. See, here's the deal. We just hate money so we try to get rid of it as often as we can. Yeah, that's it...
So of course we had to go to Fry's for a few Karaoke CDs and DVDs. Of course. And a rice cooker. I mean, you gotta have those things.
- Sunday, December 26, 2004 -
The day after xmas. It's finally over. Since everyone goes shopping on this day, we didn't. It was a great chance to nest at home, sort through xmas gifts, clean up the rest of the mess, and even relax a little. And of course there were some leftovers.
The evening brought another Kings game, a match with the lowly Golden State Warriors. Since Larry and Robin were going to the game too, we met them for a quick meal at Pick-Up Stix chinese before the game. One thing I like about that place, they will substitute tofu for any meat in any dish. So, that means we actually have a lot of choices! As two (four that night) vegetarians in a world of carnivores, this is pretty cool.
But the Kings lost. I am disappointed in their performance and their coach so I won't even make their name a link this time. Why their coach only played seven players even though some were visibly tired is a mystery to me.
- Saturday, December 25, 2004 -
Xmas. It's finally here. And it went well! We were missing the daughter and grandkids, as well as our niece and her husband, but still had a group of nine or so. Every once in a while it's nice to touch base with family a little bit. That reminds me, gotta work on that family page one of these days...
In the evening Karl and Betty (friends) came by and hung out for a while, which was very nice. It was significant also because it was after Karl had taken his evening shower and he usually doesn't go anywhere after that. We felt pretty special.
- Friday, December 24, 2004 -
Xmas eve. We spent the day like two tasmanian devils cleaning up the house for tomorrow's gathering. And in the evening we went to Petra's family holiday gathering. Her parents are great and her mom (another Petra) made a good meat-free meal for us. Her brother and his family were there as well including the niece and nephew, Rhys and Dayn. Good kids. There were presents. And wine.
Do I have time to proofread this stuff? Sometimes. But if you find a bad link or a typo let me know here.
- Thursday, December 23, 2004 -
Do we ever eat at home? Sure. But not today. Dinner at 524 Mexican Food with Larry and Robin (friends) before the Kings game. Dinner was great but the Kings lost. Grumble, grumble.
- Wednesday, December 22, 2004 -
Off work from today until January 2. I love it. Lots of last-minute things to do before xmas and some much needed rest and relaxation afterwards.
Lots of fun at the DMV renewing my drivers license. Even if you have a good driving record you still have to go in there sooner or later. It's right up there with death and taxes as a thing that must happen. I got to enjoy both types of DMV employees, the cranky and the too-nice. Please help me when I need it but don't call me hon, sweetie, big boy, or halibut cheeks...
And then, as if that weren't enough, dinner with Karl and Betty (friends). And yes, Betty and I are still the same age.
- Tuesday, December 21, 2004 -
Some of my co-workers took me out to a pre-birthday lunch at Lucca. It's a nice place though they do need a few more vegetarian entrees. I always take my actual birthday off, so they were determined to not miss out this year. Thanks Cathy, Roberta, Erik, and Yvonne.
- Monday, December 20, 2004 -
Here's an interesting article on why Costco deserves your money a lot more than Sams Club and Walmart do.
- Saturday, December 18, 2004 -
Larry and Robin (friends) had their annual holiday party and it was good. It is great to see people you don't get to see too often and then people you do see often too. Many of the guests at the party are on the friends page here but we always end up chatting up a few of their other friends too. And lots of good food, almost all vegetarian. I believe there were some beverages too? Right, Petra B.?
This was their last annual party in Sacramento, they are moving to Santa Cruz early next year. But they won't get rid of us that easily. No way.
And more shopping...
- Friday, December 17, 2004 -
Jack's Urban Eats opened in Natomas so we had to check it out for lunch. It was very busy but we managed. Had a great make it how you want it salad and some 'urban fries' or something like that. Very tasty. We'll have to check it out again soon...
And more shopping...
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 -
The LA Lakers stomped the Kings. It was brutal. It was ugly. It had to be a fluke, right?
This week was mostly work and christmas stuff. Shop, shop, shop, mail, mail, mail, wrap, wrap, wrap, with a little time for eating and sleeping and I think I may have even gone to the bathroom somewhere in there. But xmas is such a nutty time of year. It will be ok, we are off Friday. Then I work two days and am off until the end of the year (ho ho ho). How bad can it be?
- Monday, December 13, 2004 -
The film "Sideways" that I saw the other night seems to be getting nominated for a whole bunch of awards. You should check it out. There's also a nice little web site too.
- Sunday, December 12, 2004 -
More shopping. Aaaaarrggh!
- Saturday, December 11, 2004 -
Dinner at Strings with Karl and Betty (friends). Talked, drank wine, took up space. Fun!
Xmas shopping today was pretty awful. I warn you, avoid Arden Fair Mall at all costs. There is truly some bad craziness there.
- Friday, December 10, 2004 -
Happy birthday to Betty (see friends page). She's as old as I am! And be sure to congratulate her on that promotion at work.
Since the "girls" were scrapbooking, Larry and I went to dinner at Three Sisters, good mexican food. Missed you Karl. Next time!
Anyway, we went to the movies to see Sideways, an offbeat but very entertaining film. It had a little-known cast and offbeat characters but was pretty funny, interesting, a bit quirky, and even touching in spots. Also, it had a lot of discussion of wine-tasting, which didn't hurt either. (Sound of cork popping and me neatly sipping). I recommend this film if you have even a partially open mind.
And here is a random thought: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, its too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
- Tuesday, December 7, 2004 -
We had a nice Italian dinner at Strings with Larry and Robin (see friends page) and then off with them to the Kings game. Another win. Sheesh!
Our third annual holiday mix CD has been created. Now we just need to burn 35-45 copies, print and cut the inserts, put the parts together, and mail them. Be patient. Free things come to those who wait.
- Sunday, December 5, 2004 -
Kings win again. We didn't make it to this game. Too much to do this time of year.
- Friday, December 4, 2004 -
Time to buy the annual xmas tree. We got one about eight feet tall, give or take a few inches. The amazing thing is, we bought it at the first place we went to!
Also, we had a nice dinner at Todo Un Poco in nearby Elk Grove (Laguna). I highly recommend this restaurant.
- Thursday, December 2, 2004 -
After a long search and a lot of brainstorming, the domain name has been chosen and registered. The site is now officially known as www.stevenology.com. Thank you for visiting and thanks to my favorite neice, Sara, for suggesting the name. She wins the prize!
- Wednesday, December 1, 2004 -
Tonight was the annual holiday party at the Data Center where we work (see career page). It was $20 each for a decent dinner and a mediocre DJ, but it was a chance to hang with friends without being at work. And you can't argue with $4.00 for a rum and diet coke. Mostly we hung out with Larry, Robin, Michael, Shirl, Jared, Kirk, and Jen, many of whom can be seen on the friends page.
Also, happy birthday to master filmmaker Woody Allen. Here's a quote from the master: "It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
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