- Tuesday May 31, 2005 -
It's chemotherapy time again. The smell of needles and toxic drugs in the air... Just kidding. And no, it's not funny but sometimes you have to joke to stay above it all. Anyway, this is treatment number five, of eight. Petra is finished with the first set of drugs and now starts the second set of drugs. Some people say this part is easier, we shall see. I certainly hope so. Want to see what it was like? Look here and here. It's really starting to get old, but she wants to beat this thing and this is supposed to be the way to do it. The first three times they took it from the arm, but I guess the veins there are starting rebel or maybe hide so they are taking it from the hand now. Ouch!
And this doesn't count the shot tomorrow, the steroid pills twice each the day before and the day after, the anti-nausea medication for three days starting every treatment, and the optional other anti-nausea medication as needed. Throw in a laxative and a vitamin here and there and next thing you know we are keeping the pharmacutical industry rich and happy.
- Monday May 30, 2005 -
Back to work. Ugh. But at least Petra is feeling good.
- Sunday May 29, 2005 -
A low-key day. We took a birthday present to my Dad. It was a day early but he didn't seem to mind. We had a nice visit with him and Mom (family). We all went out to dinner and we all enjoyed the visit.
- Saturday May 28, 2005 -
On our way back from the foothills (see below) we stopped by friend Jared's house. He had bought Petra a bottle of Cleavage Creek wine! Pretty funny! If you want your own bottle they have a web site at www.cleavagecreek.com.
When we went on the wine trip last time (March 19), Petra joined the Montevina winery wine club. Well, it is time for our first shipment. We were going to have them ship it, but since Petra was having a "good day", we decided on a whim to take a drive up there on Saturday. So we did. We went to Montevina and picked up the three bottles of various reds, along with a couple bottles of Cucina Mista for good luck. We went to Villa Toscano winery too, to check on the barrels. We had bought a reserve of the Syrah when were there last time, but upon getting there, the syrah wasn't in the tasting room any more. But, as luck would have it, the 2004 Barbera was, along with four other reds. Well, the Barbera was excellent so we ended up ordering futures of those too. What could we do? Anyway, if you get up there try the Barbera!
And then we tasted a little bit at the "bar" (counter?). I noticed a sign for the 2002 Shenendoah Valley Zinfandel on special price. I tasted some and did some quick math. Hmm, let's see on special for $120 per case, 12 bottles per case, that must be $10 per bottle. And it was very good indeed so we ended up bringing back a case of it. Great deal, if you are interested they may still have it on special.
Then we decided to go to a winery (or few) that we had never been to. Have you been to these? We went to Bray winery and bought a couple bottles of a red blend call Bray-Zin Hussy. Nice table wine. And a bottle or two of regular wine too. The people there were very nice, especially a guy in a wheelchair that talked to us for a while. Also went to Nine Gables, bought one bottle, not too cheap but the Barbera was hard to resist. Actually the Sangiovese was very good too but you know we have a lot of will power (ha!). And then also went to Renwood and picked up a bottle of Barbera there too, it was a bigger place with a big gift shop. Wines were pretty good. Gotta have those fun days when we can...
We even hit El Novillero mexican restaurant for a late dinner. Tasted great! It was a really fun day!
- Friday May 27, 2005 -
This evening we watched a Netflix
Did you like "Ray"? Tell me about it here.
- Thursday May 26, 2005 -
It has been a low-key and mostly uneventful week so far. That can be a good thing. Petra feels a little better each day. Her vision had been affected a bit by the chemo also, and that is returning to normal. Things will hopefully be fine until at least Tuesday, the next treatment.
- Monday May 23, 2005 -
She's better today. Yes! In fact, she actually got dressed and is more lively. Still not too much activity but a noticable lift from the last four or five days. As for me, well, you know I don't like Mondays (see my January 3rd post) and I had to go back to work after three days off. Ugh! On the other hand, every day worked is one day closer to retirement.
Also, some updates to the links page.
- Sunday May 22, 2005 -
This weekend was just two more lost days for Petra. In addition to the nausea and the omnipresent fatigue, she has a cough and congestion and hasn't been able to sleep. If I had a dollar for every time she coughed I could retire tomorrow! On top of that it is affecting her vision a bit too. I feel so sorry for her. She has felt lousy for at least four days now and even though today was slightly better it is still hard to watch and I'm sure it is even harder to experience.
So I spent a lot of the last three days clearing rocks and dirt, moving the garden fence, removing the old posts, building a new raised bed for planting, and man it was hot out there. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
- Friday May 20, 2005 -
New on the photos page, a slide show of our 2004 trip to Milwaukee and Summerfest. Check it out!
She didn't feel very good again today. Another lost day, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
- Thursday May 19, 2005 -
She didn't feel so good today. That was what we expected and it came true. I did go to work but I was 'on call'. There was some nausea and plenty of fatigue (again), she calls these 'lost days'.
We did watch a movie in the evening, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates. And we both thought it was pretty lame. Neither of us really liked it and Adam was especially bad (although he played the same immature part that he usually does). I really can't figure out why he is so popular. His 'comedy' seems aimed at 12-year old boys, it is so juvenile. And you would think that having Drew in the movie would help, and it did a little, but she was mostly wasted in this dumb movie. Be warned, for a comedy this has very few laughs, weakly developed characters, dumb body-part jokes, and it is annoying often. One and one-half stars out of four.
Agree? Disagree? Tell me about it here.
- Wednesday May 18, 2005 -
The morning appointment was with the reconstructive surgeon. He added another two ounces of saline to the expander in Petra's chest. She had quite a bit of discomfort afterwards, but still wanted to meet Michael, Kirk, and Jared (friends) for lunch at Fresh Choice. We did, and had a nice lunch, but it was still bothering her for much of the rest of the day. Later in the day was the next appointment at the oncologist, this time to get the Neulasta (is that how it is spelled?) shot. Ouch! Fast (maybe four or five seconds) and expensive ($3750.00). But it helps to keep her white blood cell count up and that's pretty important. The last thing she needs is for some kind of infection to take hold. Anyway, she's felling really tired and pretty lousy tonight but hopefully she can get a little sleep and feel better tomorrow.
- Tuesday May 17, 2005 -
Chemo time. This is the last round for this drug combination. In a couple weeks Petra starts a different combination. The treatment today went ok. Petra was kind of tired afterward but we managed to get her some ice cream for being so brave! And a sandwich too. She is a trooper, that's for sure. Two more appointments tomorrow...
- Monday May 16, 2005 -
Back to work. Argh! But I guess I have to work sometimes (see career). For now. Larry and Robin left during the morning and things began to get back to normal. Until tomorrow's chemotherapy of course, I wouldn't call that normal. But we had a great time with our friends this weekend, that makes everything easier.
- Sunday May 15, 2005 -
Somehow we all woke up, good thing because we had made plans for the four of us to meet friends for breakfast at Crepeville (highly recommended). This was to give us some energy for the movie later. Anyway, at Crepeville we met up with friends Karl, Mike D., Cosette, her son, Brian, and his friend. Big group! Anyway, I had the smoked tofu scramble, a ton of delicious food, and then we split up. Brian and his friend, along with Cosette and her son, left for parts unknown. Larry, Karl, Mike D, and I headed for one movie, Robin and Petra headed for another.
The women saw 'Monster In Law', with Jane Fonda and Jennifer Lopez. I like Jane and don't like J-Lo (in case you were wondering), but they said the movie was good, predictable but funny. The men, on the other hand, saw 'The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy' (web site), which was not so predictable (unless you have read the five book trilogy or seen the BBC series). It was a lot of fun, wild science-fiction and comedy mixed with dry British humor and cleverness. I'd give it about three or three and a half stars out of four. You should read the books too! (Books)
- Saturday May 14, 2005 -
It was kind of a late night last night which made for kind of a late morning today. We hung out and talked to our friends in the early afternoon, with a quick trip to Kohls for a little shopping in the afternoon. Next, in the early evening, we mosied our way to the mid-town area and had dinner at Isabella's (a great restaurant with unique and delicious food). There we met up with John M and his date Joann. She seemed very nice. Robin and Larry's son Brian joined us too, with news of a possible record label deal for his band The Evening Episode. Cool!
Then we explored the area's art galleries as part of the monthly Second Saturday event. Lots of art, all types, some live music, lots of people, and a bunch of fun. And the group was still kicking (minus Brian) so after that we dropped by Lucca for some drinks on the outdoor patio. Very relaxing and a beautiful evening. Nice conversation too.
Do there people ever get tired? We poked our head in at Hamburger Mary's across the street and caught a few Karaoke songs. That's where we lost John and Joann and the rest of us old farts finally decided to go home. Whew! Of course once we got back to our house we visited until late into the night. There may have been drinks too...
- Friday May 13, 2005 -
It was a fairly uneventful few days, which is kind of a good thing. Petra was feeling tired but ok and better as the week progressed. Today our friends Larry and Robin came into town to stay a few days. I have a cold and am sneezing and coughing but we all went out anyway, to see a Sacramento Rivercats baseball game. It was nice of them to let us see a win. It was great weather and a nice, relaxing evening at Raley Field.
- Sunday May 8, 2005 -
Petra feels a lot better today. Her parents invited us to go to a play and dinner with them. We saw the Davis Musical Theater Company production of Man of La Mancha. I had never see the play before and really enjoyed it. The actor who played the main character Don Quixote was very good and the rest of the cast was good too. Then we had dinner at the Freeport Inn. By this time Petra was getting really tired so we called it a day, which it was.
I have already spotted some typos in the music list. Will fix them as time allows, most likely sometime before pigs grow wings.
- Saturday May 7, 2005 -
Petra's got a little more energy today but still a lot of fatigue. It's getting better though. Also, I took an early mom's day gift to mine. Glad she is feeling better too. Got to get that family page done one of these days!
She said I needed a break, so when John M (friends) called and asked me to play poker, how could I refuse? I had a great time and won $1.90 in only five hours!! Maybe I should retire and play poker full time. Then again, maybe not.
- Friday May 6, 2005 -
Want to know what music we own? Go to the hobbies|music page here. Let me know what you think! (here)
Want to be on the stevenology mailing list? You know you do, admit it! Well, all you have to do is let me know here.
Yesterday and today were not the best days for Petra. A lot of fatigue and thankful for the anti-nausea medication. Mainly it seems to sap her strength and motivation. Hopefully she will feel better by the end of the weekend.
I added a link on the travel page for Petra's Seattle Page.
- Wednesday May 4, 2005 -
Today was the shot to boost the white blood cell count after yesterday's chemo. If you don't have insurance this shot costs $3000. Yes, you read that right. In the evening Petra started feeling pretty exhausted. She went to bed early and slept a lot.
- Tuesday May 3, 2005 -
Petra has the latest chemotherapy treatment today. She's felling ok so far, we go for the follow-up shot tomorrow.
Kings update: Put a fork in 'em, they're done. They just plain got outplayed and lost the final game tonight. It was pretty close but Seattle was just better. There's always next year...
Warning - political content - must be that 'liberal media' again ;-) - Are you embarrassed by our President. I know I am. He can barely speak a complete sentence and just has that goofy grin instead. Worse yet, he has caused thousands of deaths by invading Iraq. He does whatever his rich friends want. He wants to cut social Security. He wants to take away your reproductive freedom. He thinks gays are lesser beings and deserve fewer rights. He thinks God likes him more than the rest of us heathens. He thinks everyone should be able to have an assault rifle if they want one. He wants to log our ancient forests and drill in the most beautiful areas of the country. Yes, I could continue this list all day. BUT WAIT!! Why cry over the sad state of our leadership, why not laugh at him like so many people in countries all around the world are doing? Just look at this. This is the best we as a country can do? Sheesh!! How sad is THAT???!!!
- Sunday May 1, 2005 -
Kings played a half of a game of good basketball. Then they fell apart and lost. Sigh. Seattle's Ray Allen is a pretty darn good player. I think Seattle is just better at this time. The Kings new people are still learning the system and I think the season is about over for them.
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